instruction time - translation to English
Online Dictionary

instruction time - translation to English

Released Time for Religious Instruction

instruction time      

общая лексика

время выборки команды

время выборки машинной команды из памяти и занесения её в регистр команд



Смотрите также

instruction cycle; instruction register

instruction time      
время выполнения (машинной) команды
branch instruction         
Unconditional branching; Jump instruction; Conditional branch; Unconditional branch instruction; Branch instruction; Unconditional branch; Jump (Computer science); Jump (computer science); Branch (instruction); Conditional jump; Branch on condition; Jump target (computing); Branch-free code; Branchless programming; Branchless code; Branchless algorithm

общая лексика

команда перехода

машинная команда или оператор языка программирования, позволяющий изменить порядок выполнения команд или операторов программы

вычислительная техника

команда ветвления


см. Поясное время.


Weekday Religious Education

Weekday Religious Education (WRE) or Released Time for Religious Instruction (RTRI) is a released time Christian education program for public school students in the United States. The program is administered during school hours, but by law must be conducted outside school property. Weekday Religious Education classes are offered in school districts in several states, most of them rural.

Examples of use of instruction time
1. Now, the academic year will be extended through mid–August to compensate for lost instruction time.
2. Many schools across Oklahoma planned to remain closed Thursday, some through the rest of the week, prompting concerns about how that instruction time will have to be made up.
3. With this act, Israel relinquished its sovereignty over the ultra–Orthodox schools and officially announced that they are not required to teach core curriculum subjects, which account for over '0 percent of the instruction time in Western countries with whom the children of Israel will have to compete when they become adults.
4. At 878 hours, England has the 7th longest annual intended instruction time for a seven to eight–year–old (the OECD average is 758 hours). And English primary school teachers with 15 years experience are the ninth best paid when weighted against the cost of living ($42,046), while Scottish teachers are sixth best paid ($45,616).